Thursday 6 June 2013

My latest stitching... little progress though!

It’s been awhile since I posted anything much about my stitching. I have done a reasonable amount of stitching of late, but I’ve also been jumping around from project to project so haven’t felt like I really had that much progress on any one item to warrant sharing. I’ve done a few more stitches to my Anni Down’s ‘Gardener’s Journal’, a few on a Rosalie Quinlan stitchery, and some to a ‘couch companion’ by Leanne Beasley. Not yet sure if I’ll manage to meet my goal of finishing the quilt top of ‘A Boys Story’ before bubba is born, as the stitcheries are slowing me down. I have only finished one since last commenting on this project! Here it is:

I still have 10 weeks (plus or minus) until bubba is born, so maybe there is hope yet… just need to get focused again on the project!

Another little ‘finish’ I’ve had of late is the small birdies I was cross-stitching earlier in the year:

Just needs to be framed and then it’ll be completely done.

I’ve also been playing around with my new Bali Batik fabrics that I showed off a few blog posts back… hopefully I’ll have something to show you on that front in the next few days!

Until next time xx

1 comment:

  1. Tash, the bird cross stitch came up very nicely. I have begun to stitch together all of the 85 little hexagons that make up a zippered pouch from a Lynette Anderson pattern. One row of 9 plus 2 of the next row done. Slow but steady. Barb P xx
