Tuesday, 6 October 2015

From jeans to shorts

Alex has gone through so many pairs of jeans this winter... either they've suddenly become far too short as he grows taller and taller, or he's worn through the knees. 

I've been keeping the jeans, some to put away for Sofia but as they all still fit Alex around the waist, I figured I could 'upcycle' some of the jeans into shorts. With another public holiday here in Canberra I managed to find some time to give the project a go... 

A few cuts, ironing of the seam and run under the sewing machine, and wa-la... four pairs of shorts!

Three of the pairs are just a plain finish, however one pair were a bit too torn around the knee so I folded the seem outwards instead. I quite like the finished look!

Alex seemed pretty happy with his new shorts, and as it doesn't mean an outlay for yet more clothing (yet), so am I!! Hopefully they last him the summer :)

Until next time x

Thursday, 1 October 2015

A trip to the coast

We’ve gone from driving 2 ½ minutes to get to the beach to driving 2 ½ hours! But over the Canberra long weekend, it made perfect sense to make of the most of beautiful warm weather and do a day trip to the coast.

The kids had such a great time. There were a bit tentative to begin with, but after awhile were splashing around, exploring, and running up and down the beach!

In a clearing just up from the beach there were a group of young kangaroos. I was amazed to watch Alex not only go and explore, but to also see him confident enough to approach them and even pet them.

It was great to share the day with my partner and his teenage sons. Between swimming, sunbaking, meeting some of my partner’s friends, and generally relaxing, it was such an enjoyable and fun day.

Hopefully we'll manage to get to the coast again a few times this summer!

Until next time xx