Monday, 7 September 2015

Superhero Day

Today was superhero day at childcare. Alex has excitedly been counting down the days since he found out about it early last week… and all weekend he was planning what to wear. He went as a somewhat confused superhero… Spiderman top, Batman accessories, topped with his ‘SuperAlex’ cape I made for him last Christmas. He loves that cape, and it always makes me smile to see him wearing it.

A few months ago Sofia took interest in wearing a cape, and I had shortened Alex’s old cape he got in a show-bag so that she had something to wear around the house. But the joy on her face every time we would put it on her has made me think for a while to make her a matching cape to Alex’s. Knowing that Superhero day was coming up, on Saturday I pulled out the remnants of the same fabric as Alex’s cape… but I didn’t have enough. Between all the usual weekend household chores, I thought it just wouldn’t happen. But Sunday afternoon I decided the capes didn’t have to match – and in fact it would probably be better if they didn’t. So I went through my stash and found a nice batik I had bought in Bali, and a swirly deep red fabric. Some time with paper and pencil and I settled on a design for the ‘Super Sofia’ logo… back to the fabric stash and I found some smaller scraps perfect for my design.

However yesterday was also Father’s Day and I had a roast dinner and a dessert to prepare. I have had an incredible man in my life who is not only an amazing dad to his own children but also gives my children a lot of love, patience and general guidance. He needed spoiling, and so dinner drew me away from my sewing project. Again, I thought the plan of a cape would take too long for Superhero Day… but after dinner, as I sat to relax with a Sunday night movie, I figured I might as well stick down the applique design and stitch down what I could.

It didn’t take nearly as long as I thought (although using metallic thread around the S did slow me down a bit)! So I plugged in the sewing machine, intending to “just get it started”…

All done (as Sofia herself says)!! I’m really happy with the final result. I was even in bed before midnight.

And Sofia was delighted this morning when I put it on her :)

Now to decide whether to make a matching cape for Sofia's bunny, just as Alex has a matching one for his toy bunny. Only issue is that Sofia has two bunny's that she always carries around with her - do both need one? 

Until next time x